Looking to keep running when the weather gets cold? It may not be an issue in the warm-weather states, but if you live in a place where the weather gets chilly, here are a few steps to keep you comfortable:
· Wear clothes made of a moisture-wicking material. This includes material such as polypropylene and wool. Avoid cotton, as this tends to hold moisture next to the skin. Keeping your skin dry is probably the most important step in staying warm when the weather is not. Fleece hats and gloves will work as well, and will let your skin breathe.
· Wear lots of layers. Wearing several layers of clothes will allow you to move easier than when wearing one bulky layer. Try different weights of clothes in combination, including base layers (the layer against the skin), mid-weight layers over that, and a wind breaking layer on top. Wearing layers also allows you to peel off the layers if you get too warm.
· Dress for twenty degrees above the actual temperature. If you are warm when you walk outside, imagine how warm you will be once you start running! Dressing for weather that is twenty degrees warmer than it actually is will help you avoid this problem. You’ll want to be a little cold when you walk outside, but not too cold.
· Wear the right kind of socks. Running socks come in all different shapes, sizes and weights. There are socks made of polypropylene, and socks made of wool, as well as other materials. A thick wool sock will help keep your feet warm in cold weather, and will also help wick the moisture away. Moisture held next to the foot by a cotton sock can make your feet cold, as well as cause blisters a major pain.
· Gortex shoes can keep the weather out. Gortex is a breathable material that is water resistant. This is great in a cold rain or snow. It also offers extra warmth for your feet.
· Stretch inside. This will get your blood flowing, so you will be less cold once you walk outside. You can also try running down stairs or jumping in place a few times. Don’t get so warm that you start to sweat, just warm enough to get your blood moving.
· Beware of snow and ice. If it gets snowy in your town, there is always the possibility of black ice that you won’t see until it’s too late. There are products you can buy to put on the bottom of your shoes to give you extra traction in the snow and ice, such as products like STABILicers or YakTrax.
· Take off sweaty clothes when you’re done. Keeping your sweaty running clothes on after running outside in the cold will not only give the people around you a whiff of your stench, but it will make you very cold. Take off your running clothes right away when you come inside.
Keep in mind that frostbite and hypothermia can set in pretty quickly in temperatures below twenty degrees. Its great to run outside in the cold, but it is important to prepare yourself properly. You can always check out our online store for new running products at www.FLFootandAnkle.com.
101 6TH St. NW.
Winter Haven, Fl. 33881